Thursday, February 28, 2008

Grocery Store Glum

So yesterday, my family and I expedited our "Wearesickbutweneedgroceries" routine of everyone riding to the store in the van while I run in and grab what we need. As I was stalking the tomatoes with 4 other people I made accidental, casual eye contact with a woman in a bright coral jacket.

Now, in most situations like this, my response is to either smile or look away. This being a woman, and probably a mom, I smiled shyly. She then looked at me in total snobbitude and raised one eyebrow; "Do you dare to look at me young chubby lady? How Dare You!"(She didn't say that, that's just what she implied). It was the strangest non-verbal response I've elicited from anyone in forever.

Then, to make it even better, she got in line to checkout behind me. She knew it was me in the line! It was her turn to smile shyly now. I put my raw ground meat right up against the divider between our groceries and made a big show of lifting 20lbs of catfood like it was nothing. Take that ugly jacket woman. I never looked at her again.

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