Thursday, June 25, 2009

Reusable Question, and Funny Conclusions.

Hi guys!  My pregnant brain/nesting is in high gear and I have a few questions. 

1.  Which kind of cloth diapers are the best option for newborns?  We'd really like to use them this time around and nothing I'm reading online is giving me a clear answer.

2.  Also, what are your thoughts on washable nursing pads?  I don't usually need them for very long, and I don't see any reason to use the ones you throw away.  

3.  My last reusable issue right now is baggies.  Have any of you used or had any experience with reusable baggies  (cloth, I guess, so they can be washed as well)?  I know Alton Brown uses them and I have a tutorial I found for sandwich bags, but I'm still wonderin'.

I've also decided, since we actually have a dining room table now, that we need the cloth napkins like the lovely Swistle has been using.  After reading this blog post on hanging your clothes on the line to dry, we're starting that too.  We might as well use this super hot weather for something, right?

Now:  funny things I have learned this week.

1.  When your diabetic husband comes into the bedroom and asks where the colander is at 11:30 at night, he probably needs some help with his blood sugar.  It was funny, and he's fine, so no worries.  He spilled blueberries all over the floor and wanted to wash them for the boys in the morning.  Sweet Puppy...

2.  When the little brother has a cough, the big one will not sleep well, especially when they are in the same bed.  When I asked Winston to roll over so I could prop Wednesday up more so he would cough be flapped his arms like a cockroach!!  It was so hilarious, I was cackling in the middle of the night.

3.  It's very pitiful when your 2 year old loses his voice.  I tried so hard not to laugh, but I couldn't stop it.  After stories last night he couldn't say a single word in a regular voice.  He had to whisper goodnight to everyone and it was extremely precious.  He can talk in a very raspy voice today.

That's all, I think!  Any thoughts would be so so appreciated...

UPDATES (for my own memory's sake):

1.  I'm pretty sure I can get prefolds and doublers/inserts for cloth diapering at Babies R Us here in town.  

2.  They don't sell reusable nursing pads at JCP anymore, but they do have lots of options at Motherhood Maternity.  It just happens to be right next to JCP in our mall, lol.

3.  I think we're gonna go with the thirsties diaper covers.  I found a place in Seguin that sells them, and I can get 12 xsmall for $138 and 6 small for $69.  That seems to be a pretty low/normal price compared to everywhere else I looked.  If that brand doesn't work out there's also a store in San Antonio with a huge inventory and slightly higher prices.

4.  I'm still working on the baggies.  I looked them up on Amazon and there was nothing in stock for sale.

1 comment:

Swistle said...

I liked the prefolded kind of cloth diaper that needed diaper pins and nylon pants (Dappi pants were the BEST---I wonder if they're still available?). I bought a whole bunch from a diaper service (they sold supplies as well as, er, processing them, but you could JUST buy the supplies without joining the service).

I had washable nursing pads I ordered from JCP. A set of 12, I think, though I bought a second set later on so I'd have plenty. They were super-easy to use and wash, though a TEENY hassle is that fabric softener affects absorbency so you're not supposed to use it with them.