Wednesday, August 5, 2009

He Dreamed a Dream

Wednesday, right now this morning, as best I can recall:

"There was a FishLady and a GirlPapa and da GirlPapa bit me right dey onna arm (points to his forearm above his wrist)!!"  He bit you?  "Yes he bit me right dey, and I screamed like this:  ahhh (very quiet scream)".  Like that?  "No, like this!  AHHHHHH!!!!"  Oh My, and what else happened?  "And the GirlPapa was mean!  And dey put da fish back in!" They did?  Where did the fish come from?  "Da FishLady's neck!"  The fish came out of the fish lady's neck and they put it back in?  "Yeah!  Right dey (points to the front of his neck)!"  What else happened?  "And the GirlPapa went back to his blue stuff, and the bite came off!"  

And then right now, he walked up and added:

"On the wall in my dream there was a mean song, it was a biting song!"

I don't ever remember Winston articulating a dream so clearly, and that was completely unprompted.  He just walked up to us, after loving on his cat, and told us all of that very animatedly...  

"I had a dream last night, and it looked just like a dream" -Gibby Haynes 


Elaine said...

Wow! What great detail!

Whimsy said...

That is so freaking SWEET. And also weird.

Love it.