Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Freakin' Valentine's Day

Somehow in the midst of all of the floor drama I remembered to buy Valentines for Winston's class and teachers.  I even got teacher Valentines for Wednesday to give, since they interact with them so much.

I spent all day yesterday explaining to Winston how we were going to fill out Valentines.  This morning we painstakingly wrote all the names on all the little cards, and licked the envelopes for his teacher's.

When we got to school I turned in the form to register both boys for school next year.  It only cost be 80 bajillion dollars, and 3 toes.  

Then we stopped at the picnic tables to I could give the boys the cards for the head teacher and assistant to hand out as soon as they walked in.  The boys are excited.  Mommy is just Mommy, and when we walk in the classroom it all goes to HELL.

We are not supposed to give Valentine cards to anyone at school.  The assistant won't even touch the cards the boys chose and wrote in by themselves.  She doesn't know if she can accept it.  I just brush it off, but poor Winston.  He is heart-broken.  He worked hard on those cards and he loves his teachers so much...

She hugs me and says she sorry.  She gives me a long story about why the note to tell us not to bring cards never went home with the students (!!!!!!).  But there was an email sent out, apparently.  The first email EVER sent by the school to make an announcement.  EVER, people.  Tuition reminders come in the email by request.  Obviously I have not checked that address for anything important, because it never holds anything important.

I am so mad.  I am furious.  They broke my kid's heart because they couldn't get their act together enough to send out a freaking note.  I wasted my children's time, and now this Friday before Valentine's Day that was supposed to be happy, and started out so very well is shattered.

I really hope Winston has an ok day at school.  And I'm praying that my husband can watch Wednesday when it's time for pick up to I can just grab Winston and get the Hell out of there.

Also, Halloween in not supposed to be recognized, even though I was given permission from the teachers to put together goody bags last October.

I had plans to put together something in honor of Mardi Gras, but I'm SOOOO not doing it now.  I bought kingcake scented candles to give the teachers.  NOT HAPPENING.  I will find someone else for Winston to gift them with.  

It's all so surly and snobby and heartless.  It is everything this school is not.  Sigh....

I'm glad it's Friday.  And we are going to be almost late on Monday so I don't have to talk to anyone.


Oh my I am so awful for taking this long to answer comments.  Thank you all for reading and supporting Winston and me.  There were actually two other mothers who KNEW the rule and brought stuff anyway, one of which went to speak to the director.  The next week was full of hitting and pushing, and I don't know that it's connected, but it had never happened before.

So everything seems to be back to normal now, and today I going to help his class make cookies.  I love you guys, I'll do better with the next post:  Promise!!  


Swistle said...

Oh, this is TEH SUCK!

ya ya's mom said...

oh that is just stupid!!! i teach public school and see valentine's day as a way to teach kids lots of things....i'm sorry.

Anonymous said...

GAH! WTF is going on in that school?

Anonymous said...

Oh that is awful. The part where the teacher wouldn't even touch it?!?!?!?!

I mean hey, couldn't she just say thank you, take it and then talk to you about it?