Monday, March 16, 2009

Funny Weird, Funny Ha-Ha

Funny Weird:

I took the boys to Half-Price Books.  After wandering around the store and gathering quite a load of words, we went to get a snack.  The person in line behind me commented on the amount of books we had in the stroller basket and I just smiled.  

The person, upon closer inspection, was a very kind older man dressed as a woman, who promptly called Wednesday a girl.  I corrected the error by just reaching down and calling Wednesday my "sweet boy".  Then, I found out that the coffee shop there doesn't take debit cards.  "I don't have any money!", I said in a panicked voice.  The woman behind the counter, who I suspect is also part owner said, "Oh, I'm here until 3:00, just come back and pay me when you can."  Whaaa???  In 2009 there is still a coffee shop where you can come back and pay where you don't have any cash?

So I went to the table where Winston was waiting and wouldn't let them touch their snack until I dug through my purse to see in there was some money in there.  I found a stray $10, and went back up to the counter to pay.  The older man (the cashier called him a he, so I'm sticking to that) looked as me and said, "They're very trusting.". 

It just felt like such a strange cross-section of life.  And I was so honored to be right there, with my children, seeing all of the beauty humans still hold.

Funny Ha-Ha:

This morning, with both boys in the bed to wake me up, I had a severe round ligament pain after coughing lightly.  I rolled on my side quickly, clutching my side and mumbling profanities under my breath.  I scared Wednesday and he started crying.  Poor baby thought I was mad at him.  I did my best to comfort him and explain to them what happened and we all made our way to the bathroom for Mama's Morning Pee.  I promptly sneeze and blew snot out my nose, I am classy like that.  "Excuse me, PLEASE!".  Wednesday looked on in horror as I grab a wad of toilet paper to clean up my nose and blow it very loudly.  He had a very serious look on his face  and asked, "Do you has a bug in your nose?".  I lost it with the giggles, toilet paper still pressed to my face.  I couldn't even finish blowing my nose!!  

Holy Moly it was so funny.  I needed to sneeze again just a moment later and couldn't do that either for the giggles that erupted again....

I had to assure Wednesday at least three times that I did not, in fact, have a bug in my nose.

The End.  

1 comment:

Swistle said...

Now I feel warm AND amused!

Also, I see you're re-reading Waiting for Birdy. I LOVE reading that whenever I'm pregnant!