Sunday, September 14, 2008

How Dooney?

That's how Wednesday says is anyway. My Mom likes to tell a story about sitting in the van with Winston as The Mr. and I were coming out of the hospital with a new baby Wednesday. It took longer than we thought to get a wheelchair and get me down the elevator, and at one point, Winston called out to my Mom and said , "MaMaw! DOING?". As in what the heck is taking so long?

Anyway, I has been dooneying some fun stuff here lately and I thought I should share. One day I'll write another real post, but those always seem to be a tad depressing.

Last night I finally watched the first episode of True Blood. I actually rented it even though we have HBO! I'm going to try to sneak out of the back of the house tonight to watch the second episode without waking up the boys. It was SO GOOD. I forgot it wasn't a movie and was startled when it ended. Anna Paquin was gorgeous and very fitted to the part. The entire cast, I thought, looked as thought they belonged there. I haven't read the books on which this show is based, but I'd love to now.

I'm making a bookmark for my 20th Century reading group. It's for a swap and it's my first lace pattern. It seems sooo easy until you try to purl a yarnover or something and then I have to do deep breathing exercises!! Anyway, I hope my swap partner likes it when it's done. It feels good to push myself with these knitting projects and make my mind and hands work hard.

Speaking of knitting projects I don't think Ive told you about the bigger ones I've been planning. Another group I frequent on ravelry is planning to put together a book of Twilight (Stephenie Meyer) related knits. So I decided to put together some ideas to submit. I'm sure they won't make it to the final cut if the book comes into fruition, but designing these pieces has been so bolstering to my little creative self. The first piece will be a capelet based on the colors of Leah Clearwater ( don't want to give anything away to any newborns!). The second, if I have time, will be a scarf inspired by Sue Clearwater. I think she is such a strong character and holds up so many things in the background of Meyers books. I'll post pictures here when I get a little more more work done. I've sketched both designs and am swatching now.

What else? Oh! I'm supposed to be reading The Name of the Rose and Harry Potter, but I got pulled into a YA vampire series I first read in like 6th grade. The Vampire Diaries have been enormously entertaining to re-read so much later in life and I'm almost done. Anyone looking for a good vampire fix post Breaking Dawn, or in general might want to check them out!

I think that's all of the main things. Watching reruns of Sex and the City and sewing buttons and pockets has also been rewarding. We started behavior charts with Winston. So far they are about 40% successful. Sigh... HAPPY THOUGHTS!!

I have more to write about but the 3 year old refuses to leave me alone so I'll be back later. Thanks for your patience....

1 comment:

CP said...

**cough cough** Harry Potter. I read all FOUR of the Twilight books and you haven't read the first Harry Potter book yet. What gives? :)