Sunday, July 12, 2009

And The Little One Said:

I was in the bathroom trying to finish getting ready for bed two nights ago.  Actually, I was just peeing for the fourth time in 20 minutes, so I wouldn't have to get up again as soon as I fell asleep.  A piercing scream in a Winston-like key came from the bedroom where the boys were waiting to be read to and I lumbered as quickly as I could to see what had happened.

"He bit me, Mommy!"  What?!?!  "I was just trying to hug him and he bit me!"  Climbing into the bed I jumped all over Wednesday for biting and snuggled his brother close to love and inspect the bite.  It was a bad one; almost through the skin.  I calmed him down, told Wednesday again that biting was a No No, and began reading.

But a few pages into our first story, Wednesday was still really upset.  "Bitty, you know better than to bite, why are you so sad?" I asked.  With droopy eyes and a pouty lip he said, "I tried to eat Bubba!"  He cried and cried, disappointed in himself that he'd thought to do such a thing.  I burst out laughing, looking at Winston and imagining his little brother taking a bite of him.  "It's not funny, Mama", Winston said and started to cry again.  This set Wednesday off again and I held them close to me while I laughed and cackled and their funny brains.  I looked down at Wednesday and he said again, in shock this time, "I tried to eat him, Mommy!!".

My husband came back from reading his book to see what all the noise was about, and he was tickled too.  All through that night, after we finished singing lullabies, Wednesday would repeat his horror, and I would snicker.  

Then this morning, on our way to the beach, Wednesday started to cry again.  His nose was stopped up, and he was distraught.  The poor kid hasn't had a booger-free day since he was born.  "It's ok, Baby.  Do you want to hold hands?"  I held his tiny fingers and the Mr. asked what was wrong.  "I just want a new nose, Mommy!!", he wailed.  "I don't want this one, anymoe!".  We reassured him that his nose was beautiful and would feel better once we got to the beach.  It did, and he says he has a new nose now, but it was damn funny at the time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awwww. They are so silly sometimes. I crack up at my kid too. How can we not? They are just so silly and sweet and innocent.