Friday, July 24, 2009

Finkin' Bout

I know, two posts all smooshed up together, but if I don't do it now then I won't get it done.  This is just a list anyway!

The Things in My Brain:

1.  Homeschooling:  So many of the parenting blogs I read are actually homeschoolers.  I've checked out books from the library but I'm still conflicted.  Do y'all have any thoughts before I do a whole post on this?

2.  Activities:  When do I start the boys in things outside of school?  Scouts?  Soccer?  Fencing (so cool)  Martial Arts?  Music Lessons (high on the list)?

3.  Composting:  Do any of you compost?  I know it's supposed to be easy.  we could have a separate garbage can in the kitchen, and there is a place for the actual composting can behind the garage.  Is it going to attract bugs?  Because I can't be carrying a baby in a sling to take out the food for composting and be attacked my bugs.  (Yes, I did lay awake one night thinking about that)

4.  A Texas Blogging Meet-up:  Swistle talked about an anti-Blogher meet up, and now that I know I can't go to Blogher in NYC next year, would this be something worth doing?  EDITED TO ADD:  Danielle from Left of Lost was my bravery inducing inspiration.

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