Saturday, June 7, 2008

We're Baaaack

So Hi! I got a comment from the ever so lovely Mrs. Swistle while we were in Kerrville/San Antonio. Woohoo!

Key Phrases during our trip:

Winston looking out the window: "Mommy the trees and the hills and the clouds! They have magic!" He is a precious boy.

Wednesday, waiting in the car for The Mr. to check us into our hotel: "Teetee?" "No honey, he's getting our magic keys!" A few seconds go by... "Teetee? Papa?.... Teetee?" He was very concerned for his father's urinary health. It was funny. Guess you had to be there.

Best Moments:

Winston seeing his Grandfather and Lamb (his wife), and being so so excited.

Wednesday kissing himself in the mirror at the hotel. He thought that little boy was so cute!

Coming soon: A post about the books I'm reading/drawing ideas right now. Hopefully some pictures of our pumpkins seeds being planted. And lastly, a post about Winston's Very First Day at Summer Camp (also known as the first time anyone else besides me, my husband, or my mother will have my child for longer than about 45 minutes)! See you soon!

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